I’ve thought about and have implemented change in organizations for over two decades now. If you’ve ...
Running your business in 2022 requires a bit of understanding of technology. Even the least technica...
Over the years, I've worked with businesses large and small. I've started countless projects (web de...
Less than 30 years ago, the web was new. There were really no standards to speak of. The innovators ...
Over the years, I have honed my craft to be a highly qualified web strategist. I learned the hard wa...
I believe that one of the biggest challenges of running any company is ensuring that you have happy ...
Over the last 15 years, I've worked with a lot of different marketing agencies. I've had the opportu...
Since consumers have been using search engines to find what they need online, marketers have tried t...
At 12 years old, I started a paper route. It wasn't in folding and throwing papers that I found my "...
Now, before you think I'm evil and are ready to tar and feather me, I hate labor laws like FLSA and ...