
Stop Working for Yourself!

Submitted by Corey Smith on Mon, 03/21/2022 - 19:40

At 12 years old, I started a paper route. It wasn't in folding and throwing papers that I found my "riches." It was selling subscriptions. The Press-Enterprise, out of Riverside, California, would have someone come and pick up a bunch of 12-14 year olds and we'd go to all the new neighborhoods to sell subscriptions.

I was good.

I was really good.

Paper BoyOne of the contests, I made out like a bandit. Along with a bunch of money (particularly for a 12 year-old kid) I won not 3… not 4… but 2 whole bikes. I won a mountain bike and a 10-speed racing bike.

Yeah. I was hot stuff (in my own mind).

I loved the idea that I could work hard to make more money. If I applied myself, I could be better.

Oh, that picture is not me. I didn't look that cool.

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