Chief Marketing Officer

Technology Doesn't Matter

Submitted by Corey Smith on Mon, 05/30/2022 - 19:35

Running your business in 2022 requires a bit of understanding of technology. Even the least technical jobs, such as lawn care professionals, are sporting smart phones to check email, talk to their staff and connect to their clients.

The challenge is that technology can be a bit unnerving for some business owners. It’s not unnerving because it’s technology, per se. It’s unnerving because of the need to understand, yet again, something new.

Social media, blogs, iPhones and Android, search engine optimization, flux capacitors… how do we keep it all straight?

Let me suggest that technology is only a tool. It’s no different than a hammer or drill except it’s a tool that solves a different problem. Until we understand that the technology we use is meant to solve a specific problem, we’ll continue to focus on how hard it is to integrate technology into our business and marketing efforts.

Success Requires a Singular Focus

Submitted by Corey Smith on Mon, 05/23/2022 - 10:43

Over the years, I've worked with businesses large and small. I've started countless projects (web development, marketing, etc). 

A great website for a small to medium business can be built in 8-12 weeks. In fact, you'd be amazed at what you can do in 90 days if you just focus.

Very often, when I've seen web development and marketing campaign projects fail, it almost always comes down to one key issue… a lack of focus on the primary objective.

Every successful business I've worked with in the last 20 years has been successful because they have been able to set a goal and stay focused to achieve that goal. They have been able to put aside new ideas for the right time. Each time a company has had a new idea and required immediate implementation of that new idea, the project would stall and fail.

Harley Davidson

Let's put a practical example with this concept.

10 Reasons Your Website Sucks

Submitted by Corey Smith on Mon, 05/16/2022 - 14:00

Less than 30 years ago, the web was new. There were really no standards to speak of. The innovators of the world were quick to try their hand at HTML code.

In 1995, I coded my first website. To say the least, it wasn’t anything to get excited about. I was really excited when I figured out how to have a hover effect for a button. I realize now that, even by the standards of the day, it wasn’t even good enough to be called mediocre.

In 2007, when I started Tribute Media, I am not sure I progressed as far as I thought I had. Even after teaching web design at the University of Utah, I was a rank amateur at best.

We have worked with Corey for a number of years now.
Dr. Robb Bird

The 6 Qualifications of a Web Strategist

Submitted by Corey Smith on Mon, 04/25/2022 - 23:04
Over the years, I have honed my craft to be a highly qualified web strategist. I learned the hard way… I failed many times. I'd love to say that all my failures were early in my career. But, I am smart enough to know that it's important to fail to improve. I have been fortunate to have many great people on my team that have picked up my slack. I see companies (agencies, corporate America, and nonprofits alike) hiring for strategists. The problem is that most who call themselves strategists are content to simply work on a few tactics. I am confident...

5 Signs of Dysfunctional Customer Relations

Submitted by Corey Smith on Mon, 04/18/2022 - 22:49

I believe that one of the biggest challenges of running any company is ensuring that you have happy customers. There seems to be a constant effort to market or sell products & services but a lack of interest in keeping customers happy.

The most obvious evidence of this approach is the apparent need to offer special discounts for new customers.

Here are some mind-blowing stats about customer acquisition vs customer retention:

SEO Does Not Equal Traffic

Submitted by Corey Smith on Mon, 04/04/2022 - 22:25

Since consumers have been using search engines to find what they need online, marketers have tried to find ways to improve their clients’ position in those search engines. These search engine optimizers come with a wide variety of tactics.

The first thing to understand about search engine optimization (SEO) is that it’s not a silver bullet. You can never look at SEO with the idea that if you are at the top of the search engines, your phone will start to ring.

I am amazed how often people will think that if you increase rankings in the search engines, you will magically start getting new business. This attitude would be like saying, “I put a sign outside my store, so why am I not selling more stuff?”

Systems, Not Goals, Determine Your Success

Submitted by Corey Smith on Mon, 03/07/2022 - 18:46

I’ve thought about and have implemented change in organizations for nearly 20 years. If you’ve read my posts before, you’ll know I’m a change agent. I also believe that change for the sake of change is never, ever a good idea.

One of the things I talk to clients about all the time is setting meaningful and measurable goals to reach their success. In my context, it’s marketing goals. Marketing goals are driven by business goals. If your marketing goals don’t support your business goals then your marketing goals are pointless.

Process Improvement

As a change agent, I’ve become a process guy. One of the first things I did when I started a digital agency was to set up processes that allowed us to scale. Some of the processes built in 2007 are still in place today. Most of the processes that didn’t work are no longer present. 

The Change Rejection Curve

Submitted by Corey Smith on Mon, 02/28/2022 - 18:35

Over the years, I’ve learned two very important lessons about change. First, change can’t be avoided. Second, most people don’t like change.

Change is to be expected… and is necessary. 

Do a Google search and you’ll find quotes upon quotes about change. Quotes on how to think about change or quotes on how to process change. You’ll find quotes on making it easier or reasons why it’s so hard. One such example here.

In about 2005, my career shifted to understanding problems in organizations and recommending changes to fix those problems. I learned first hand those two truths mentioned above. As a result, I thought of a concept that I call, the change rejection curve.

The 5 Stages of Grief

Can't Stay The Same

Solving Real Problems Takes Real Time

Submitted by Corey Smith on Mon, 02/21/2022 - 15:36

Because I’m a change agent and love to create change when it creates a better outcome, I’m a fan of solving problems. One of my favorite quotes is from Albert Einstein:

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

Albert EinsteinAll too often, we create problems because of the way we think about things then try to fix those problems without changing our thought process that generated the problem.

The Bigger Challenge

There is a bigger challenge that we face when trying to solve problems. That challenge is of time.

My twist on the above Einstein quote is:

“We can’t solve problems any faster than it took us to create those problems.”

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